Tuesday, 10 February 2015

naked 3

Urban Decay naked 3 pallet 

For a very long time now i have been wanting the urban decay naked pallets. They just look so nice and all the colours look so perfect. i choose to buy the naked 3 pallet not only because its the most recent naked pallet but on a daily basis i like to wear nude eye shadows and the naked 3 has the most nude everyday shades. I must say the naked pallet is one of my favourite buys and i really cant imagine my everyday make up without it. 

naked 3 has a tin casing

the naked 3 pallet comes with tin casing in a light gold shade with line patterns running down the front. The lighter gold background and the darker gold writing is very appealing to the eye

the beautiful shades

Most of the shades in the pallet have a shimmer to them. The naked 3 pallet has darker colour towards the end. On a daily basis i usually stick to the ligher shades towards the left of the Pallet as they are lighter with a little shimmer. I would definitely recommend this pallet for everyday wear. The pallet costs£37 or $54 but I would definitely consider buying it as it is truly amazing.

                                                        Thanks for reading xo 


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